Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Traditional Korean Diet

Koreans are not only heathier and skinnier than Americans but they are also are 3 time less obese than Americans because of their diet! That's crazy! Who would have guessed?!
There diet mainly consists of:
  • Rice
  • Vegetables
  • Soy
  • Kimchi
  • Probiotics
Korean's basic food consists of rice! Americans say hello but Koreans will say, "Have you eaten your rice today?" as their hello. That tells you how much they love and eat rice!

Vegetables have many benefits and Koreans often ferment their vegetables (kimchi).

Just like the Traditional Japanese Diet, Koreans also eat soy. Soy contains protein and little fat.

Kimchi is another name for fermented vegetables.

Probiotics are found in food such as kimchi (fermented vegetables), yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles, kefir, and basically anything fermented.

Koreans also steam or boil their food as a replacement for frying. Steaming or boiling happens to be a healthier option.

-My next post will be on another healthy diet, The Greek Diet-

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