Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Traditional Japenese Diet

Why do we always see old Japanese people that are perfectly healthy?
Did you know the Japanese live older then any other nation?
Why is this?
This is because of their traditional diet. You would be surprised on how much a diet can effect your health.

Now you might be asking, "What does this miracle diet consist of?"
This TRADITONAL Japanese diet consists:
  • low cholesterol
  • very little red meat
  • almost no food that contains saturated fat
  • weeds from the sea (seaweed)
  • Omega 3
  • Soy
Slow down- what are these???

Cholesterol is mainly found in fried or fatty foods. The Traditional Japanese diet has a low cholesterol intake, meaning they don't eat many fatty or fried foods.

Red Meat:
Red meat is mainly found in the Western Diet and is meat such as bacon, steak and hamburger. This diet eats these meats sparingly.

Saturated Fat: This fat is mainly found in red meat. If you avoid red meats, you can avoid saturated fats.

Weeds from the Sea:
The Traditional Japanese eat quite a bit of seaweed. Seaweed contains protein, vitamin A, vitamin C and also vitamin B2.

Omega 3:Omega 3 comes from most sea food such as fish. This Omega 3 prevents bad heart conditions.

Soy contains protein and has little fat.

This Traditional Diet substitutes canola oil (a oil that is horrible for our health) and replaces it with an oil such as coconut oil, olive oil, or fish oil. You would be surprised on how your health can change by switching to this diet.

The Japanese also only eat until they are 80% full. What does this mean?
You can tell if you are eating until you are 80% full when you are full but COULD eat another piece. If you are ever faced with the COULD, just say no. You are full and that's that.
If you only eat until you are 80%, you will live longer. How cool is that?!

-my next post will be on the Traditional South Korean Diet-

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