Friday, November 21, 2014


Preservatives. Google's definition states ,"a substance used to preserve foodstuff, wood, or other materials against decay." A sign of real food is decay.

In my Science class, we all did an experiment. We had to choose a food that contains preservatives and an organic food. Our question was, "Which food would decay faster?" Like you probably would have guessed, the food that had preservatives to preserve the food, lasted longer.

Here is a picture of my experiment. On the left, there is a piece of homemade sourdough bread. On the right, there is a picture of store bought bread. The experiment ended a few months ago but here is a picture I took 1-2 weeks ago. These pieces of bread in this photo are both 2-3 months old! The store bought bread was filled with preservatives so it just turned hard. Pretty gross huh?

In one of my previous posts, I talked about why the western diet is so bad. see: It is filled with preservatives which causes Alzheimer's disease and many more diseases, emotional eating, etc.

I found this cool guide. See at:

In this guide, the pink words tell you what the preservatives do to your body.

This is a pretty bold question. Based on the information that we learned from the food guide by Naturally Savvy, I think not!

-My next post will be based around the question, "What causes food to spoil?"-

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